What's a Metascore™?
Metascore™ is an average score for games from various reviews around web, gathered in one place on metacritic.com.
There are 3 score categories by color:
- 99 - green (score between 75 and 100) - very good games
- 74 - orange (between 50 and 74) - average games
- 49 - red (below 50) - low quality games
Score visible on website is an average fetched on a day when game was added to our database, so in case of game release at same day or very close, this score may change later on metacritic.com or even be unavailable.
How game prices are calculated?
We tried to assign ID from PSStore to each game, according to correnty.[1].
Once per 24 hours, we fetch current price from store, and calculate a total in current month.
Given price is the MAXIMUM price visible in store, without any promotions/PS+ discounts.
[1] - stores for which we get prices and their currencies:
PLN - Poland
GBP - United Kingdom
EUR - Germany/France[2]
[2] - some games aren't available in Germany because of PEGI age rating (18+) and violence, for those we're using French store